Olivet Private School’s Mission is to educate, equip, and encourage parents and students to exemplify Godly character, excel in academic endeavors, and to identify opportunities to serve Christ in their homes, communities and abroad.
How this mission is carried out:
- Educate-parent led teaching through knowledge
- Equip-providing opportunities to use knowledge
- Encourage-exhort to use skills and knowledge in opportunities that are available
Our mission is for Olivet Private School to exemplify Godly character.
- Fear of God (Reverence)
- Respect for His Word
- Respect authority
- Live with Godly integrity
Our mission is for Olivet Private School to excel in academics.
- Parents give basic academic education and guidelines
- Parents teach good study habits
- Seek opportunities to experience activities that offer needed life skills
Our mission is for Olivet Private School to identify opportunities to serve Christ by encouraging students to be:
- Serving in their homes
- Serving in their church
- Serving in their community
- Serving around the world
Olivet Private School highly values Godly principles. We strongly encourage that each student attain the following principles while receiving a home-education.
- Basic academic education
- Good study habits
Godly character
- Appreciation for physical labor
- Strong moral character
- A healthy fear of God
- A proper respect for authority
- Given responsibilities at home
- Participate in community service